Princess Tales

Alice in the Land of the Internet

Alice in the Land of the InternetShort tale: Alice in the Land of the Internet

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Alice who lived in a world called “The Land of the Internet”. It was a magical and mysterious place where humans could surf the web and visit virtual places beyond their imagination.

You may also be interested in: Alice in Ice Cream Land or Alice in Wonderland.

One day, while exploring the web, Alice came across a strange link that took her to an unknown place. It was a virtual world where everything was possible and where the rules of reality did not apply.

Alice encountered a lot of strange and curious characters, such as a programmer mouse, a spam queen and a cat with a multitude of eyelashes that always changed shape. Together, they explored the Land of the Internet and learned about its magic and its dangers.

Alice also discovered that the evil Time Hacker was trying to control the Land of the Internet and that she held the key to stopping him. With the help of her new friends, Alice traveled the web to find the solution and defeat the Time Hacker.

Eventually, Alice and her friends succeeded in defeating the Time Hacker and restoring peace to the Land of the Internet. Alice learned the importance of being careful online and how to protect her privacy and security in the virtual world. From then on, she lived happily ever after, surfing the web and discovering new virtual worlds and adventures.


Reflection on the story: The story reminds us of the importance of being aware of the dangers and risks that exist in the virtual world. Through Alice’s adventure, we learn that privacy and online safety are vital to navigate safely and enjoy all that the web has to offer.

The story also shows us how collaboration and teamwork can help us overcome obstacles and challenges in the virtual world. By teaming up with other curious and brave characters, Alice was able to find a solution to stop the Time Hacker and protect the Internet Country.

Frequently asked questions about the story “Alice in the Land of the Internet.”

¿Who is Alice and where does she live?

Alice is a little girl who lives in a world called “The Land of the Internet”.

¿What did Alice find while surfing the net?

Alice found a strange link that took her to an unknown place in a virtual world.

¿Who did Alice encounter in the virtual world?

Alice encountered a programmer mouse, a spam queen, and a cat with a multitude of tabs that was always changing shape.

¿Who was the villain in the story and what did he want to do?

The villain in the story was the Time Hacker, who wanted to control the Land of the Internet.

¿Why did Alice and her friends have to travel through the net?

Alice and her friends had to travel the web to find the solution and defeat the Time Hacker.

¿What did Alice learn at the end of the story?

Alice learned the importance of being careful online and how to protect her privacy and security in the virtual world.

How much do they know about the story Alice in the Land of the Internet

It's time to test your children's knowledge of the story Alice in the Land of the Internet. We will prepare a questionnaire of questions for your children.

  • What is the name of the story?
  • What characters appeared in the story?
  • Who was the main character in the story?
  • What was your favorite part of the story?
  • Where did the story take place?
  • Can you invent another ending for the story?

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